Sunday 22 May 2011

Appending to an array

JavaScript's Array#concat function is handy and cool, but it creates a copy of both arrays. That is, given array a and array b, a.concat(b) will create a third array c with the contents of both of them, leaving a and b intact. Now, sometimes that's what you want, but other times you just want to append b to a without creating a copy of a.

While JavaScript doesn't have a dedicated append function, there's a surprisingly efficient and concise way to do it:

a.push.apply(a, b);

That calls the push method via apply, which accepts a context argument (what the this value should be during the call) and any array-like object providing the arguments to give the call. Since push allows you to push multiple elements with a single call, that works a treat. And somewhat unusually for JavaScript, it's probably the most efficient way to do it on all platforms (where normally this sort of thing is faster on some and slower on others)

Now, if you do this in code other people are going to have to read, I'd recommend a comment saying "Appends `b` to `a` in place" or some such, because otherwise it's pretty opaque to people who don't know JavaScript well. Or, of course you could always add an append method to arrays:

(function() {
var push = Array.prototype.push;

function Array_append(array) {
push.apply(this, array);
return this;

if (Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "append", {
enumerable: false,
value: Array_append
else {
Array.prototype.append = Array_append;

As always, if you're doing that on platforms that don't have Object.defineProperty (and there are still a lot in the wild), make sure you don't have any broken loops lying around.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

jQuery 1.6.1 softens `attr` woes

jQuery 1.6's change to the attr function, and introduction of the prop function, raised quite a bit of confusion (and awareness) about properties and attributes. It was quite a breaking change, affecting a fair bit of code, and so jQuery 1.6.1 changes attr again to make it more backward-compatible. See the jQuery 1.6.1 blog post for details. According to the jQuery team, as of 1.6.1, most older use of attr should continue to work, although in many cases prop would be the preferred way to go.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Big compatibility break in jQuery 1.6

jQuery 1.6 is out, and unusually for jQuery, there's a pretty big API compatibility break with regard to the attr function. Details in the release notes, but basically, attr really is just for attributes now, whereas before it sort of conflated attributes and properties. There's a new prop function for interacting with properties.

Update 2011/05/11: jQuery 1.6.1 changes attr again to make it more backward-compatible for older code, details in the jQuery 1.6.1 blog post.

It's a seemingly-small change, but I've seen a lot of code that will be affected, especially around the "checked" property. If you've been checking whether a checkbox is checked using code along the lines of

// In an event handler, etc.:
if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
// It's checked
// Or if you already have a jQuery object for the checkbox:
if (foo.attr('checked')) {
// It's checked
}'ll need to update your code. Personally, I prefer going straight to the DOM element (that's what the jQuery team recommends as well):
// In an event handler, etc.:
if (this.checked)) {
// It's checked
// Or if you already have a jQuery object for the checkbox:
if (foo[0] && foo[0].checked) {
// It's checked
...and the above has the advantage of working regardless of what version of jQuery you're using. But you could use prop instead if you like:
// In an event handler, etc.:
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
// It's checked
// Or if you already have a jQuery object for the checkbox:
if (foo.prop('checked')) {
// It's checked
(There's also':checked'), but that's awfully round-about.)

The big properties I see people stumbling over are "checked" (hence the above) and "value" (but hopefully you were already using val anyway).